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How to Convince your Boss to Commission Video

How do you get stakeholder approval to get content made?

Video can be a hefty line item on your marketing budget. But video projects have the potential for huge rewards in audience engagement, brand affinity, and outsized reach.

So, how do you convince internal stakeholders its worth the investment? 

Communicate Value

Be clear on the value your video project will deliver. People are more likely to allocate budgets toward video projects if they believe they'll have longevity and recurring value. Consider the potential benefits your video will bring, such as increased brand awareness, improved engagement, or higher conversion rates. By demonstrating the long-term impact of your video project, you'll have a greater chance of securing the necessary funds to bring it to life. Investing in video is not just about immediate results; it's about building a lasting impression that will continue to add value over time.

Align with Company Strategy

Every good project will be able to tie its success back to the business' long-term business strategy.  There's content opportunities all around -- whether it's in your products, customer base, employees, or hot topics in your industry. But real value is derived through honing in on the aspects that will deliver both short and long-term results. Think how content can build on itself into long running series, but also how that same series could weave through topical monthly tentpoles.  

Be Efficient

Have a long-term view of your content cadence. Think about how long you want to use this video content, where it will sit, and how you can repurpose it for even further longevity. Look for easy content wins. Let’s say we’re filming interviews with your C-suite in January. It’s pretty simple to add on a few questions that address a product launch coming up in March or an HR announcement in August. This banked content can be turned into unique video assets to launch later in the year, making your original video budget work harder. Maximize social assets. Look for opportunities to stretch your content across platforms that your audience will engage with.


From engaging customers to increasing conversions, video can help you reach your marketing goals in a more effective and impactful way. Whether you're looking to create brand awareness or generate leads, video can help you stand out from the competition and connect with your target audience on a deeper level. By educating your stakeholders on the clear ROI, you can better enable your stakeholders to commission more video projects. 

Be Creative

Ultimately, making videos is a creative and fun art-form. People connect with genuine and authentic storytelling, expressions of self, and unique points of view. Creating something that you would want to watch should always be a touchstone of every piece of content you commission. 

Chances are if you genuinely make something out of love and care, others will connect with it too. 

Define Success

Success looks different for every video project. It's more than just metrics like views, and subscribers. The goal is actually broader than that - you need your video to educate folks about your new product. Or, inspire new-grads to apply to your organization. That goal should be the central defining purpose of your video. And around that, teams should define metrics that help measure and quantify your progress towards that goal. A clearly-defined purpose is the hallmark of successful projects. 


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