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Retail Video Production

We create engaging video content that helps you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.

No matter the brief, we mesh award-winning creative with agile program management to deliver video that drives your KPIs. 


"They are a very skilled strategic partner who brings great content and creativity to the project."

— Director of Global Retail Communications, Jewelry Company

Retail Leaders Collaborate with Casual

As an end-to-end production company, we’ll handle the entire process for you, from creative development all the way through to post production. Your Executive Producer will be your guide throughout, utilizing our Smart Casual Production System and drawing on our network of the best video producers globally. This makes the process simple and effective, no matter what you need to achieve.

Contact our video production team here and find out why our clients keep coming back to us. 

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Casual Partners with the the Industry's Top Retail Brands

Showcase your products

Stay ahead of the curve by showcasing your cutting-edge products. Customers want detailed information. Bring your product advancements to life through captivating videos that highlight your company's innovation.

Recruit top talent

Attract top talent to your retail brand by showcasing your values, culture, and work environment. The retail industry thrives on brilliant minds, and video is the perfect medium to visually demonstrate what makes your company special. Show, rather than tell, prospective employees why your brand is the ideal place to build their careers.


Optimize your marketing budget with cost-effective video strategies. Compared to traditional advertising methods, video marketing delivers a higher return on investment. Engaging videos can reach a wider audience and leave a lasting impression without straining your finances. Additionally, our team will work closely with you to align video production with your goals and make the most of your budget.


Foster a thriving community

Create a thriving community around your retail brand by offering tutorials, customer success stories, and content that strengthens your brand identity. Deepen your connection with customers by providing valuable video content that educates, inspires, and entertains.

Scalable content creation

Deliver consistent, high-quality video content at scale with our expert team of producers, creatives, editors, filmmakers, and animators. We combine creativity with streamlined processes to bring a fresh perspective to your brand vision. Our team understands the importance of collaborating effectively with procurement, legal, and key stakeholders, ensuring a smooth production process.


Save time and eliminate complexities by entrusting your video production to our team. Creating engaging and high-quality videos involves multiple stages and requires seamless collaboration. We take care of all the intricacies, allowing you to focus on your core retail operations. With our effective program management expertise, we ensure that your video projects are delivered on time and in line with your expectations.

Casual Partners with the the Industry's Top Retail Brands

Showcase your products

Stay ahead of the curve by showcasing your cutting-edge products. Customers want detailed information. Bring your product advancements to life through captivating videos that highlight your company's innovation.

Recruit top talent

Attract top talent to your retail brand by showcasing your values, culture, and work environment. The retail industry thrives on brilliant minds, and video is the perfect medium to visually demonstrate what makes your company special. Show, rather than tell, prospective employees why your brand is the ideal place to build their careers.


Optimize your marketing budget with cost-effective video strategies. Compared to traditional advertising methods, video marketing delivers a higher return on investment. Engaging videos can reach a wider audience and leave a lasting impression without straining your finances. Additionally, our team will work closely with you to align video production with your goals and make the most of your budget.


Foster a thriving community

Create a thriving community around your retail brand by offering tutorials, customer success stories, and content that strengthens your brand identity. Deepen your connection with customers by providing valuable video content that educates, inspires, and entertains.

Scalable content creation

Deliver consistent, high-quality video content at scale with our expert team of producers, creatives, editors, filmmakers, and animators. We combine creativity with streamlined processes to bring a fresh perspective to your brand vision. Our team understands the importance of collaborating effectively with procurement, legal, and key stakeholders, ensuring a smooth production process.


Save time and eliminate complexities by entrusting your video production to our team. Creating engaging and high-quality videos involves multiple stages and requires seamless collaboration. We take care of all the intricacies, allowing you to focus on your core retail operations. With our effective program management expertise, we ensure that your video projects are delivered on time and in line with your expectations.


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Why is video production important for retail companies?

Video production is crucial for retail companies for several reasons:

1. Enhanced Product Presentation: Videos allow retailers to showcase their products in a dynamic and engaging manner. They provide an opportunity to demonstrate product features, functionality, and benefits more effectively than static images or text descriptions. Videos enable customers to visualize the product, leading to increased engagement and higher chances of making a purchase.

2. Increased Conversion Rates: Studies have consistently shown that videos can significantly improve conversion rates. When consumers watch product videos, they gain a better understanding of the product and its value proposition, leading to increased trust and confidence in making a purchase decision. Well-produced videos can create an emotional connection with viewers, influencing their buying behavior positively.

3. Improved Customer Engagement: Videos have a higher potential to captivate and retain viewer attention compared to other forms of content. By creating compelling and informative videos, retail companies can engage their audience for longer periods, increasing brand awareness and building stronger relationships with customers. Engaged customers are more likely to become loyal advocates for the brand and share their positive experiences with others.

4. Enhanced SEO and Online Visibility: Video content has become increasingly important for search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines often prioritize video results, and having video content on a retail company's website or social media platforms can boost its visibility in search engine rankings. Videos are also more likely to be shared on social media, further expanding a company's online reach.

5. Demonstrating Expertise and Thought Leadership: Video content can position retail companies as industry experts and thought leaders. By creating videos that educate, inform, or entertain their target audience, retailers can establish themselves as go-to sources for information and advice. This can enhance brand credibility, attract a loyal following, and contribute to long-term customer loyalty.

6. Building Brand Personality and Storytelling: Videos offer a powerful medium for conveying a retail company's brand identity and values. Through storytelling techniques, companies can create emotional connections with their audience, fostering brand loyalty and differentiation in a competitive market. Videos allow for creativity and unique brand expressions that resonate with customers, helping retailers stand out from their competitors.

Overall, video production enables retail companies to deliver engaging and persuasive content, enhance the customer experience, and drive business growth by increasing conversion rates, customer engagement, online visibility, and brand recognition.

How can video be used to drive sales in the retail industry?

Video can be effectively used to drive sales in the retail industry.

1. Product Demonstrations: Create videos that showcase your products in action, highlighting their features, benefits, and how they solve customers' problems. Demonstrate different use cases, provide tutorials, or compare products to help customers make informed purchasing decisions. These videos can be shared on your website, social media channels, or even displayed in-store to educate and engage potential customers.

2. Customer Testimonials: Gather testimonials from satisfied customers and create video content that features their experiences with your products or services. Authentic customer testimonials build trust and credibility, showing potential customers that real people have had positive experiences with your brand. These videos can be shared on your website, social media, or used in email marketing campaigns to influence purchase decisions.

3. Influencer Collaborations: Collaborate with social media influencers or industry experts who align with your brand and target audience. By featuring your products in their videos, these influencers can effectively promote your offerings to their followers, driving awareness and sales. Influencer collaborations can help expand your reach, tap into new customer segments, and generate buzz around your products.

4. Behind-the-Scenes and Storytelling: Give customers a glimpse behind the scenes of your retail operations, such as product development, manufacturing processes, or the story of your brand. Storytelling videos help create an emotional connection with customers, allowing them to relate to your brand and its values. This connection can drive brand loyalty and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.

5. Live Streaming and Interactive Experiences: Embrace live video streaming platforms to host interactive events, such as product launches, Q&A sessions, or virtual shopping experiences. Live videos provide real-time engagement with customers, allowing them to ask questions, provide feedback, and make purchases directly. These interactive experiences can create a sense of urgency, exclusivity, and excitement, leading to increased sales.

6. Social Media Ads: Leverage video content for social media advertising campaigns. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube offer robust targeting options to reach your specific audience. Create captivating and concise videos that highlight your products' key features and benefits, and include a strong call-to-action to drive viewers to your website or physical stores for purchasing.

7. User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to create and share their own videos featuring your products. Run contests or promotions that incentivize user-generated content creation, and then showcase the best submissions on your website or social media platforms. User-generated videos can provide authentic social proof and inspire others to make purchases.

What video content do consumers want to see?

Consumers have diverse preferences when it comes to video content in the retail industry. However, several types of video content tend to resonate well with consumers:

1. Product Reviews and Demonstrations: Consumers often seek video reviews and demonstrations that provide an in-depth look at products they are interested in. These videos should showcase the product's features, benefits, and performance, helping consumers make informed decisions about whether to purchase the item.

2. Unboxing and Haul Videos: Unboxing videos, where consumers share their excitement while opening and showcasing recently purchased products, are highly popular. Similarly, haul videos, where consumers show their recent shopping hauls and discuss their thoughts on the products, can be engaging and influential for viewers.

3. How-to Guides and Tutorials: Consumers appreciate videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to use products or achieve specific outcomes. Whether it's fashion styling tips, DIY projects, beauty tutorials, or home improvement guides, instructional videos can be valuable for consumers seeking guidance or inspiration.

4. Personalized Recommendations: Tailoring video recommendations based on individual preferences and shopping history can greatly enhance the customer experience. By leveraging customer data, retailers can create personalized videos suggesting products that align with each consumer's interests and past purchases, increasing the relevance and appeal of the content.

5. Virtual Shopping Experiences: With the rise of e-commerce, consumers are looking for ways to recreate the in-store shopping experience online. Virtual shopping videos can take viewers on a tour of the store, showcasing different sections, featured products, and providing a sense of exploration and discovery.

6. Behind-the-Scenes Content: Consumers often appreciate behind-the-scenes glimpses into a retail company's operations, including manufacturing processes, design studios, or the sourcing of materials. Such videos can build transparency, authenticity, and trust, allowing consumers to connect with the brand on a deeper level.

7. Storytelling and Brand Values: Videos that highlight a retail company's brand story, values, and mission can resonate with consumers. These videos can focus on the company's history, social initiatives, sustainability efforts, or community involvement. Story-driven content helps consumers form emotional connections with the brand and understand its purpose beyond just selling products.

8. Interactive and Live Videos: Interactive and live videos allow for real-time engagement with viewers. Q&A sessions, live product launches, or interactive events where viewers can participate in polls or contests can create a sense of excitement, exclusivity, and community, encouraging consumer involvement and fostering a stronger connection with the brand.

It's important for retailers to research their target audience, gather feedback, and analyze consumer preferences to tailor video content accordingly. By delivering the types of videos that consumers find valuable, retailers can better engage their audience, build brand loyalty, and ultimately drive sales.